Washington, D.C., May 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- McGruff the Crime Dog® is building a new grassroots movement to Take A Bite Out Of Crime®, again. The National Crime Prevention Council is creating a wide-ranging coalition to build a safer, healthier nation.
“Crime prevention is the right prescription to make the U.S. a healthier and safer nation,” said Paul DelPonte, NCPC Executive Director. “While crime rates are dropping, so too is U.S. life expectancy, driven by an unacceptable number of deaths from guns, drugs, and DUI collisions. Law enforcement and medical professionals can’t do the job alone. Every American needs to Take A Bite Out Of Crime.”
Coordinated through local police and sheriff departments, a new public education effort will reach out to communities across the country to have McGruff make personal visits to schools, community centers, and a range of public events. It is estimated that more than 2,000 McGruff education units will directly reach more than 50 million Americans in 2024 and double the number by the end of 2025.
The coalition will bridge relationships between local businesses, teachers, parents, and law enforcement and bring crime prevention back to the forefront of communities around the nation. McGruff the Crime Dog is leading the charge and encouraging every community to join.
Later this month, NCPC will unveil a new McGruff television and radio ad campaign aimed at educating teens and tweens about the dangers of buying fake pills containing fentanyl on social media. The campaign will be accompanied by educational materials to be distributed in schools across the U.S.
NCPC has also invested in a one-stop-shop resource hub that provides members with ready to go public service announcements, educational curriculums, digital handouts that can be printed with just one click, and more. This is the first step in empowering communities to Take A Bite Out Of Crime.
Resources are geared toward tackling some of today’s most pressing crimes. This includes counterfeit medications being sold on social media, hate crime, auto theft, bullying, and home and gun safety. NCPC will continue to monitor crime data and have open lines of communication with communities to add new resources and topics. Anyone can join the coalition by signing this pledge.
Once registered, members will receive an email to the resource hub filled with educational toolkits, PSAs, downloadable resources and more. Communities looking to Adopt A Crime Dog can contact NCPC at info@ncpc.org. To learn more visit NCPC.org or follow McGruff on social @McGruffatNCPC.
About the National Crime Prevention Council
The nonprofit National Crime Prevention Council is home to McGruff the Crime Dog® and has helped generations of Americans Take A Bite Out Of Crime® through public education campaigns and advocating for public policies to make the U.S. safer. Follow NCPC on Threads, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and X (@McGruffatNCPC).

Tatiana Peralta National Crime Prevention Council 202-919-5544 tperalta@ncpc.org