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5 Ways To Treat Symptoms Of IBS

5 Ways To Treat Symptoms Of IBSPhoto by Ben Hershey

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Ways To Treat Symptoms Of IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome is different for every person who suffers from it and the treatment can be tough.

Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, or constipation are tolerable once in a while with someone suffering from IBS, but not when they continue non-stop over long periods of time. Although IBS is defined by long-term recurring symptoms of your GI tract, it is not impossible to treat it!

Irritable bowel syndrome is a common disorder that presents itself with a multitude of symptoms.

Learn about some of the efficient IBS treatment methods you can use below!

Causes and Symptoms of IBS

It is difficult to diagnose the exact cause of IBS. The causes are unknown but some possible reasons can be a sensitive colon or immune system.

IBS is characterized by abdominal pain. We all have stomachaches and trouble on the toilet every once in a while, but for people suffering from IBS, chronic pain and discomfort can affect their every day living.

Symptoms for people with IBS are different for everyone, but some symptoms may include:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Alternating bouts of diarrhoea and constipation
  • Uncontrollable urgent bowel movements
  • Difficult to pass or incomplete bowel movement
  • Mucus within the stool (clear or white)

Other symptoms, such as a bowel movement relieving ache and suffering, change in how often the stool comes out, and the stool looks different, are some features doctors look for when diagnosing IBS.

IBS or Grahani According to Ayurveda

Within the texts, Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita of Ayurveda are the writings of a disease called ‘Grahani.’

Grahani is described as a disease commonly defined by irregular bowel function. It also includes symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation. These are the exact symptoms of IBS.

According to Ayurveda “Prevention is better than cure.” It is best to examine all the possible causes of Grahani or IBS to know how to better treat it.

Causes such as irregular eating habits, partaking of food that one is allergic to, overeating, not enough nutrients, or intake of foods that are difficult to digest are some causes that can be prevented.

How To Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome in 5 Ways

Ayurveda treatment for IBS focuses on body energies, restoring colon health and the function of the digestive system. It does so by eliminating the body of accumulated toxins.

Stress is a major cause of symptoms for IBS hence Ayurveda focuses on herbal treatments and lifestyle choices to bring nourishment to the mind and body.

Ayurveda offers many different ways to cope with symptoms of IBS. Below are 5 ways to treat IBS according to Ayurveda.

1. Panchakarma

Ayurveda irritable bowel syndrome treatment includes Panchakarma which is a detox that helps rid the body of harmful toxins and re-establish colon health.

According to Ayurveda, a full detox is necessary for the treatment of IBS. Medicated enema, also known as vasti, provides herbal cleansing and nourishment straight to the intestine and colon.

Vasti-herbal enema helps to create bowel regularity, energy, alleviate constipation and gas, it offers support for the nervous system and creates better and healthier sleep patterns. All of these benefits help those suffering from IBS to handle stress, feel healthier, and decrease discomfort.

Virechana is an Ayurvedic word that means to remove toxins through the rectal route. In other words, it is a herbal purgation. Herbal medicines are given that help purge out any harmful toxins within the intestines to complete a full cleansing to restore digestive health.

Shirodhara is another panchakarma therapy. Medicated oil is poured directly onto the forehead for almost 35-45 minutes. It affects the hypothalamus of the body. Because IBS is a psychosomatic disease Shirodhara works to help the nervous system to deal with anxiety and stress.

2. Rasayana

A traditional Ayurveda therapy that contributes to helping restore the vitality of your body back to its fullest capacity.

This therapy includes consultation and monitoring of your health, therapy sessions, oral herbal medication, a specialized ayurvedic diet, yoga and meditation and other exercise activities usually within nature.

It is an opportunity to rebuild your body back to its youthfulness and fullest state. It improves your sleep, appetite, energy levels, and your bodies ability to resist common diseases.

IBS symptoms are greatly improved with the lack of stress, better sleep, and a better diet making Rasayana a great solution for chronic digestion problems, constipation and anyone who needs to energize their mind, soul, and body.

3. Yoga-Pranayama

If you want to know how to treat IBS, it can be done through the practice of yoga. Along with diet and lifestyle changes, yoga can help eliminate many GI tract complaints.

Yoga is an incredible strategy and therapy for any digestive issues. Yoga helps to shut down the sympathetic nervous system and activate the parasympathetic nervous system to nourish the digestive tract and activate digestive elimination.

Pranayama is the practice of controlling your breathing in yoga. You synchronize your breath with certain techniques and movements. Some of these practices can help with certain IBS Symptoms.

Ujjayi pranayama helps deal with diarrhoea, bloating and gas. Kapalabhati pranayama deals with chronic conditions when there are no symptoms occurring, and Sit Cari and Shitali Pranayamas are good for constipation and acid reflux.

When your IBS symptoms are worsened because of stress you can use Dirga and Nadi Sodhana pranayamas to help calm and soothe your stress levels.

4. Herbs for IBS

Certain Ayurveda herbs for irritable bowel syndrome treatment can help ease your symptoms and help in treating IBS.

Triphala: A herb used within ayurvedic medicine that contains antibacterial effects. There is evidence that it helps improve the movement of the intestines to better remove waste which can help treat constipation. It also stops the growth of bacteria within the GI tract.

Bilva: The bilva tree is considered an immunity booster and helps to eliminate negative energies. Ayurveda medicine uses the bilva root, skin, fruit and leaves to help with immunity.

Yashtimadhu: It is a herb that grows among the warmer regions of the world. It is administered to relieve pain caused by acrid matter within the stomach. It helps to relieve irritation of stomach acids and is a mild laxative.

Guduchi: This herb is used because it is an antispasmodic and reduces any type of stomach pain caused by intestinal spasms and helps to expel toxins.

Ashwagandha: This ancient medicinal herb, classified as an adaptogen, helps your body manage it’s stress levels. It also helps to fight symptoms of anxiety and depression.

5. Ayurveda Diet

How to treat IBS is often done by a specialized diet. The Ayurveda diet constitutes that what you put in your body should always be light and be food that can be easily digested.

Ayurveda practices put heavy importance on the use of Takra or buttermilk to help with irritable bowel syndrome treatment.

Takra or buttermilk is a liquid made by churning yoghurt in water. It is useful for many diseases including IBS. Takra is light to digest and is used to improve the consistency of the stool and contains lactobacillus bacteria which is used to help restore the normal flora of the GI tract.

Some foods that should be avoided in the Ayurveda diet include oily food, heavy, spicy, hot, and salty foods.

What should be incorporated into your diet is digestive spices such as cumin, pepper, and ginger.

Overeating and overly cold food and drinks should be avoided. Only eat when you feel hungry. Try sipping hot water throughout your meal to help increase digestion.

IBS Treatment Takes on Various Forms But Is Worth Your Time

These are 5 unique ways within Ayurveda medicine to help with IBS treatment.

Are you suffering from IBS? If so, take action now.

Book an appointment today with the Ayurveda clinic to find the help your body and your gut need to begin its healing process.

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